Leave the Lights On Read online

Page 4

  She grinned, sending the tension lower. “Okay, so maybe a few of them favor me a little bit.”

  “They love you.”

  Her cheeks pinked. “Half of them probably just wanted a closer look at the hot guy who’s carrying my bags.”

  Hot guy? That’s got to be good. “So you’re saying you brought me along just to snag extra giveaways?”

  “Pretty much. And so I wouldn’t have to carry them myself.” She batted her eyelashes, her lips pursed in a coquettish grin.

  He wanted to drop all the bags, sweep her into his arms and kiss her right there in the center of the dessert aisle.

  “Oh, Antoinette’s Chocolates. You have to try her truffles. They’re insane.”

  She curled her fingers around the crook of his arm and tugged him toward a table with a white chocolate Eiffel tower. Having her hand on him made Parker even less able to concentrate on the food. He could imagine her hands everywhere. Is she just being friendly or does she want to touch me as much as I want to touch her?

  His thoughts were interrupted as she held a small chocolate pyramid to his lips. “Try this.”

  He swallowed hard then opened his mouth. Sophie popped in the chocolate. Her fingertips brushed his lips, making him feel lightheaded from lack of blood flow to his brain. He forced himself to chew the candy. The creamy chocolate liquefied on contact with his tongue, releasing a combination of caramel and hazelnut. “God, that’s good.”

  “Mmmm.” She closed her eyes as she chewed. “They’re my absolute favorites. I shouldn’t admit this but I try to talk clients into ordering them just so I’ll get to eat them at the wedding.”

  “Do you go to every wedding?”

  She nodded, her eyes scanning the display. “Pretty much. Here. These are amazing too.” Again her delicate fingers paused in front of his lips, this time holding up a disc of chocolate with a white-chocolate rose etched on the surface.

  Caramel and sea salt flooded his mouth as soon as he bit into the dark chocolate shell. “Jesus. I’ve got to get myself invited to some weddings. This stuff’s amazing.”

  Sophie laughed, the shimmery sound sending tingles through Parker’s limbs. “Or you can be extra nice to me, and maybe I’ll bring you home goodie bags from all the ones I go to.”

  She grabbed two sample boxes off the table and tucked them into one of the tote bags.

  Parker chuckled. “Now there’s officially more food in these bags than in my entire kitchen.”

  “That’s just because I haven’t taken you grocery shopping yet. We’ll get your kitchen stocked soon enough.”

  “Sounds good.” Anything that involved more time with Sophie sounded good. His gaze was drawn to the saunter of her hips as she made her way through the crowd. Jesus.

  “I think we’ve hit every booth. You ready to go?”


  Parker held the door as they left the convention center. As they headed down the street, the sky darkened with deep blue clouds. Thunder rumbled long and deep. “Think we’ll make it to the car before the storm starts?”

  No sooner did the words leave his mouth than the sky opened up.

  Sophie shrieked, “No. Run.”

  They tore down the sidewalk, fat raindrops pelting them faster by the second. One of Sophie’s sandals slipped off, and she started giggling. “Wait, my shoe.”

  Parker stopped, slicking his hair back off his face. “Got it?”

  “No.” She laughed harder, grabbing Parker’s arm to steady herself as she wiggled her foot back into the shoe. “There.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she gazed up at him, her breath coming fast from laughter, her rain-soaked shirt clinging to her every curve. Parker smoothed her wet hair off her cheek. The feel of her skin, warm and inviting, was too much. He couldn’t wait another second.

  His lips touched hers mid-giggle, for just a second. He held his breath, his fingers still woven into her hair, waiting to see if she’d pull away. She hesitated, the sweet scent of her making him dizzy, then her mouth was back on his.

  Sophie went up on her toes, leaning in toward him, her lips parting beneath his. She tasted like the chocolate they’d had and red wine they hadn’t, a decadent blend of the richest flavors he’d ever savored. He no longer noticed the rain or heard the thunder—his whole world had condensed into the kiss. The only word his brain could form was Sophie.

  I’m kissing Parker. Sophie repeated the words to herself but couldn’t quite believe they were true. His hand left her face, and she instantly missed his touch until she realized he was just moving it lower. A strong arm curled around her waist, drawing her closer. Broad chest pressing against hers. Hips rocking into her. Tongue. Oh, God, velvety soft tongue circling hers. Words ceased to exist as she rode the mind-numbing swirls into a blissful oblivion.

  His lips closed, brushing hers once more. “It’s still raining.”

  “I hadn’t noticed.” She was breathless enough that the words came out as a whisper.

  She caught the quick grin that passed over his face before his mouth returned to hers. Holy shit. She’d always imagined he’d kiss well but nothing like this had ever even entered her fantasies. Gentle yet hungry, subtle but commanding. She moved in toward him, somewhat dizzily aware of the fact that he was hard. Her heart beat so fast she was sure he could feel it through their drenched clothes.

  “We’d better get to the car.” His voice startled her, and she realized her eyes were still closed.

  Shaking her head, she felt the heavy, water-soaked tips of hair hitting her cheek. “Okay.” She’d have agreed to pretty much anything he suggested at that point. All she really wanted was another moment with his mouth on hers.

  “Come on.” Parker held out his hand, and she slipped her fingers into his.

  He’s holding my hand. Her fourteen-year-old self did a happy twirl in her head. Her twenty-four-year-old self felt more excited than she had in… When was the last time she felt this? Heat flooded her face. Breathless, she ran with him through the rainy streets until they finally reached the car.

  Parker opened her door, and she climbed in, tossing her purse into the backseat. Watching in the rear-view mirror, she saw him open the hatch and stow the bags. God he looks good soaking wet.

  The door slammed shut, and Parker trotted to the front of the car, swinging into the seat next to her. His shirt clung to the muscles of his chest, his hair dripped. This must be what he looks like in the shower. She felt her cheeks tingle, realizing she was picturing him naked.

  “You okay?” he asked, raking his hair off his face, beads of rain still clinging to his long dark lashes.

  Nodding, she tried to focus on getting the keys in the ignition. “You?”

  “I’m great.”

  She turned to find him looking at her with a smile she’d never seen before. His eyes were dark and expectant, twinkling at her like two mischievous sapphires. Tumbling over its own beats, her heart danced a jig.

  The rain continued, battering the car in solid sheets as she made her way home. By the time they pulled into her driveway it was nearly three thirty “Sorry we got back so late. Are you going to make it to your appointment?”

  “It’s right in town. I’ll be fine.” He got out of the car and opened the hatch.

  “I’ve got it, you go. I don’t want to make you late.”

  Grabbing the tote bags, he laughed. “Will you please just get in the house?”

  Sophie fiddled with the keys until she found the right one. She held the door, sneaking a look at Parker’s clingy shirt from behind as he moved past her. The defined muscles of his back looked just as tempting as his chest. Not to mention his ass. Get a hold of yourself, will you?

  “Good thing these bags are waterproof, or all those samples would have turned into soup.” He set the bags on the kitchen counter.

  “What? Oh, yeah.” Free samples were the last thing on her mind. She wished he didn’t have to go.

  “Thanks for taking me to the show. It
was great.”

  Great didn’t begin to cover it. “Anytime.” Say something else. Her brain refused to function.

  “I better get going or I really will be late.”

  “Oh, okay. Sure.” Think, dammit.

  Parker headed back to the door.

  “Do you want to borrow an umbrella?” Brilliant. Very seductive. How can he possibly resist a come-on like that?

  “You can only get so wet, and I think I’m there.”

  You and me both. She held her breath, hoping she hadn’t said that out loud.

  Parker reached for the handle of the screen door then paused. “I’ll be done with PT by six—do you want to grab dinner later?”

  There was nothing she’d rather do but she shook her head. “I can’t. I’ve got to meet with one of my clients tonight. Her fiancé lives out of state, and this is the only time they’re both available before the wedding.”

  “Okay.” Parker’s eyes shifted away from hers.

  “But I’m free tomorrow night.”

  The smile that curved across his lips sent a tugging sensation from her heart straight to her thighs. “Tomorrow’s great. It’s a date. How’s six o’clock?”

  “Perfect.” A date. She had to keep from bouncing on her toes.

  He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss that left her feeling completely devoid of oxygen. “See you then.”

  Nodding, she watched as he stepped back out into the downpour and jogged back to his car. I have a date with Parker. What the hell do you wear on a first date with the guy you’ve been pining after for over a decade?

  Chapter Eight

  Parker stripped off his wet clothes and changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt. Rushing so he wouldn’t be late, he trotted out to his car, glad that it was now only drizzling.

  “What’s got you in such a good mood?” Tanya asked the second she walked into the treatment room.

  “What do you mean?” Parker asked, unable to keep what he imagined was a completely goofy grin off his face.

  “That.” Tanya circled her finger in the air in front of him. Her eyes narrowed as she studied him. “Generally speaking, that look only means one thing. What’s her name?”

  Chuckling Parker lay down on the table, staring at the ceiling tiles to avoid Tanya’s eyes.

  “I can hurt you, you know,” she said.

  “Oh, I know.” Parker laughed. “Fine. Her name’s Sophie.”

  “That’s pretty. And where did you meet Sophie?” Tanya’s hands began to work down his leg, bending it at the knee.

  “JFK Elementary School.”

  Tanya’s mouth dropped open. “You’re young, kid, but you’re not that young.”

  “I was when I met her. We grew up together.”

  “Mmmm, interesting. Childhood sweetheart?”

  Parker’s stomach tensed, partly from the pulling muscles in his thigh and partly from thoughts of Chrissie. “No. Childhood buddy. But I always sort of had a thing for her.”

  “Nice.” She pressed down hard, crossing his knee over his other leg.

  Grimacing, Parker tried to focus on the conversation. “It is. We’ve been hanging out since I moved back to my dad’s. She’s awesome. We get along great. When we’re together, it’s just like it was when we were younger. Like no time has passed.”

  “I love friendships like that. But now I guess you’re more than friends?”

  Parker smiled and nodded. “We’ve got a date tomorrow night.”

  Tanya sighed. “I miss dating. Marriage really fucks that up.”

  “You kill me.”

  “Not yet. Roll over, we’ll see what I can do.”

  Parker braced his arms on the narrow table and flipped onto his stomach. “Give it your best shot.”

  “I intend to. Though I don’t want you too sore for date night.”

  Parker’s breath caught in his chest. Date night. He hadn’t had anything remotely resembling a date in over two years. Not to mention that he’d never really dated anyone but Chrissie. Jesus. What the fuck do I even do on a date?

  “You have a favorite restaurant? Or, you know, one you’d like to go to if you ever dated anymore?” he asked.

  “Depends what you mean by favorite. You want fun and casual? Or fancy favorite?”

  I have no idea. “How about telling me both?”

  “Well, for casual I like Kelsey’s Pub. Good burgers, live music most nights, but it’s a little noisy—not great for talking. For fancy I like La Cippolina. Cozy little tables, candlelight, crazy-good food.”

  What’s better for a first date? He didn’t want to look like an idiot and ask. “If you could only go to one, which do you like better?”

  “Are you trying to impress her?”

  Tanya’s hand dug into a particularly sore spot on his hip, and he grunted, gritting his teeth against the pain. “I just want to have a good time.” Understatement. I want this to be perfect.

  “Why don’t you start with Kelsey’s. It’s nice and relaxed. If you get a second date out of her, then you can impress her with a night at La Cippolina.”

  “Thanks.” If? He tried to breathe deeply and not tense as she pressed harder, kneading a knot.

  “That’s why you pay me the big bucks. But since I’m helping with the plans, I’m gonna expect details on Monday.”

  “You always expect details.”

  “Good point.” She touched a spot that made Parker see stars. He clenched his eyes tightly, inhaling deeply through his nose, and attempted to let thoughts of Sophie carry him away.

  “On your left side.” Tanya patted his hip and he rolled to the side, trying not to cringe from the intensified ache. “You nervous?”

  Shit, is it that obvious? “Not exactly.”

  Tanya’s raised eyebrow spoke volumes as she stared right into his eyes.

  Parker sighed. “Fine. A little. I haven’t been on a date in years.”

  “I’m pretty sure they haven’t changed much.”

  “Probably not. But I haven’t had a first date since high school.”

  “Breathe deep.” Tanya positioned herself alongside him, and he knew she was getting ready to stretch the tightest muscles in his leg.

  Drawing in a slow, steady breath, he realized how nervous he really was. Forget butterflies, it felt like he had bats circling in his stomach. Remembering the kiss they’d shared was the only thing keeping him from totally freaking.

  Kisses. More than one. It had felt so good to kiss someone. No. Not just someone. To kiss her. To have her in his arms.

  “You’ll do great, Parker. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t want to be with you?”


  “Whoa, kid. What just happened? You knotted up from head to toe.” Tanya’s hand stilled. “Back on your stomach. We need you more relaxed before we work on the leg.”

  Parker positioned himself on the table, his face nestled in the cutaway cushion. He closed his eyes and heard her step aside and pump more goop onto her hands.

  “Talk to me,” she said. “We’re not gonna be able to finish this session until you can relax a little, so whatever it is, spit it out.”

  Parker took a deep breath, flinching as she smoothed the icy gel over his skin. He opened his mouth, but the words that were choking him couldn’t come out. “It’s nothing,” he managed to say.

  Tanya snorted. “You want me to guess?”

  “Not really.”

  “Let’s see if I can guess.” She worked her hands in a circular pattern across his back, pressing hard, forcing him to loosen up, even though he felt himself fighting her. “You’re friends already, so you must be sure she likes you. You care where you’re taking her, so obviously you like her. You worried about the sex?”

  Parker’s face flooded with heat. He remained silent.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Don’t worry about that. It’s like riding a bicycle. You won’t have forgotten.”

  Swallowing hard and squeezing his eyes shut, Parker braced himself aga
inst the pressure of Tanya’s hands as the icy sensation turned to heat. “You can’t forget something you never knew.”

  Her hands froze for a second, and he knew she was processing what he said. His face burned hotter than the goop on his back. She started rubbing again, concentrating on a knot deep in his shoulder where he tended to carry the most tension. “Never?”

  He shook his head from side to side, certain he was ironing the sheet beneath him with the heat radiating from his face.

  “Weren’t you and that other girl engaged?”

  Tanya dug her fingers into a spot so tight Parker grunted, but focusing on the pain made it easier to talk. “Yep. Minister’s daughter. Wanted to wait ’til we were married.”


  “Yep, it’s Jesus’s fault.”

  Tanya laughed. “Good one. How long were you two together?”

  “Four years.” As painful as it was to discuss, Parker felt some of the tension draining out of him. Keeping a secret that big had weighed on him more than he realized. Humiliating as it was to admit, at least someone knew. And she hadn’t fallen over in a dead faint or anything.

  “You’re a good guy. I know a lot who wouldn’t have agreed to wait.”

  “I know. Like the one she cheated on me with.” Might as well make the humiliation complete.

  “Look, Park, this is all in the past. Focus on your life now. If Sophie’s as awesome as you’re telling me she is, she’s not going to care.”

  “I just don’t want to be… I don’t want to screw up.” His heart pounded against the massage table hard enough he could count the beats.

  “Screw up the sex? First off there are plenty of guys with tons of experience who screw up sex. Women are used to that, so right there—please—take some pressure off yourself. Are you worried you’re not gonna know what to do? I mean, without prying too much, did you and your ex do anything? Or not at all?”

  Parker sighed, digging his forehead farther into the face cushion, beyond grateful that this had all come up during a facedown part of the treatment. “We did some stuff. Not a lot. And she was never really that into it.”

  Tanya moved back down toward Parker’s thigh. He wasn’t sure if she thought he’d relaxed enough that she could work on it or if she sensed that he needed the distraction of more pain to keep up the conversation.