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Leave the Lights On Page 3
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Her face brightened. He watched as her long fingers flew over the keyboard, typing in his name and number. “Done.” The warm smile reappeared, as did Parker’s desire to kiss her. “But you don’t have to call to stop by. We’ll do like we did when we were kids. If I’m home and up for company, I’ll leave the back lights on.”
Parker chuckled. “Only I won’t have to worry about waking your parents and getting us both grounded.”
Parker made his way back to his house. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so much. His ribs were sore, his jaw ached and the heat that had concentrated below his waist for most of the evening was driving him insane. He traipsed up the stairs, stripping off his shirt as he went, unable to stop thinking about Sophie. He could still smell the sweet scent of her hair, could still hear the gentle vibrating tone of her laughter.
The freedom of being able to sleep in the nude was something he’d yet to get used to, but tonight he was particularly grateful for it. He stepped out of his jeans and boxers and fell into bed. The cool sheets felt refreshing against his overheated skin. After years of roommates and nurses, he finally had privacy. No need to sneak off to the bathroom and hope no one noticed how long he was gone. No worries about anyone overhearing.
He ran his hand down his stomach, feeling every nerve ending ignite in anticipation. His eyes closed, and Sophie filled his mind. This wasn’t the first night that Sophie had unknowingly guest starred in his fantasies, but it was certainly among the more vivid. He stroked slowly, focusing on her image, the bow of her lips, the fullness of her breasts, the curve of her legs—imagining he was working his way over every inch of her.
A groan escaped him. He’d been achingly aroused for the better part of the past several hours, and now every sensation seemed magnified. Slowing his pace, he controlled his breathing, prolonging the anticipation. Pain had become such a prominent part of his life, he’d learned to make the most of pleasure.
He paused, giving himself a second to regain control. As much as he wanted to come he forced himself to wait, knowing the payoff would be that much sweeter if he did. The urgency faded, and he resumed stroking, drawing out each pass, wondering what it would be like if Sophie were there with him. Would she like things slow and sensual? Hot and fast? Would her touch be gentle? Forceful? Hungry? Imagining her hands on him, her nails skating across his skin, her body pressed to his, he gave in to the sensations and let them overtake him.
Sophie tried to sleep but found it impossible to quiet her mind. Parker had agreed to spend the day at the food show with her. Her pulse sped just thinking about it. Is this a date? Or is he lonely and thinks this is a friendly afternoon outing?
She’d been on a half-dozen dates since her divorce had been finalized, and not one of them had inspired her to accept a second invitation. Some were nicer than others, but none had held her interest. Talking to Parker was an entirely different matter. In spite of the years they’d gone without seeing each other, it felt like no time had passed. The easy comfort between them was prominent. The old attraction burned even hotter than she remembered.
What the hell was Chrissie thinking letting him go? Sophie didn’t have the details but she’d heard enough through the town’s gossip mill. As rushed as Chrissie’s wedding had been, it had been widely assumed that the marriage was necessary because she was pregnant. Her minister father had tried to downplay the rampant chatter, but everyone knew.
Parker’s “accident” had been questioned as well. Had it truly been the other driver’s fault, or had he been reckless on purpose?
A shiver ran through Sophie. The mere thought of Parker trying to hurt himself, over Chrissie no less, was more than she could stand. He deserved so much better. Always had. Someone who could appreciate him. Who would never hurt him. Someone like me. The thought disappeared as quickly as it came, leaving a trail of emptiness in its wake. He never wanted me. Not that way.
Sighing, she got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get a drink. The cool water settled the flushed feeling that had her unsettled. Her gaze drifted across the yard to Parker’s house. Not a light shone from any window. At least one of us is getting some sleep tonight. The two days until the food show seemed like an eternity. Maybe it’s time to make that casserole.
Chapter Five
Parker awoke in a cold sweat, heart racing, unable to catch his breath. Shadows of trees waved deep gray lines across the blue walls of the room. His pulse slowed as he realized he was home.
“Jesus,” he said, raking his hands through his hair, focusing on breathing. Will they ever stop? Nightmares had plagued him since the accident. Always different but variations on the same theme. Pain. Fear. Confusion. Helplessness. All his least favorite things magnified and rolled into one.
The hot, stuffy air of his bedroom did nothing to stop his shivering as the sweat evaporated off his bare skin. He yanked on a T-shirt and boxers. The first step out of bed reminded him that he had to go see Tanya. A jolt of pain shot down his right thigh. As he walked down the stairs, he felt the stiffness in his legs begin to loosen as the tension ebbed.
Only the hint of a sunrise warmed the sky, leaving the kitchen dark. He flipped on the small light above the stove, and his eyes were immediately drawn to the cake platter. His stomach rumbled as he cut a thick slice and placed it on a plate. The first forkful filled his mouth with creamy sweetness, bringing his thoughts straight to Sophie.
Even when he’d been dating Chrissie, his main regret had been what their relationship had done to his friendship with Sophie.
“I don’t think Chrissie likes you hanging out with me,” she’d said to him on more than one occasion.
“Well, she’ll need to get over that,” Parker had always answered. They’d continued to spend time together, but it had never been quite the same. They’d even double dated when Sophie had a boyfriend, but then Parker was the one who was uncomfortable. Feeling protective of Sophie came as naturally as breathing, and he’d never liked the guys she dated.
“You’re worse than a big brother,” she’d told him.
“I worry about you, that’s all.” He was never sure if that argument was to convince her or himself, because he knew all along that it was more than that. He’d felt jealous even though he knew he’d had no right to.
Joey had called him on it a bunch of times. “Shit, she’s not your girlfriend. Take a pill. Does Chrissie know you’ve got a boner for your best friend?”
“I don’t want her to get hurt.”
Joey had laughed. “Yeah, okay. Just tell me one thing—you use your right hand or your left while you’re coming up with these rationalizations?”
It all seemed foolish in retrospect. In spite of all the time he’d spent feeling guilty about his closeness with Sophie, he’d never once cheated on Chrissie—with anyone. He’d been faithful. Loyal. And what did it get me? He took another forkful of cake. What’s done is done. This time I’m going after what I want. And what he wanted was Sophie. More than he’d ever wanted anything.
Parker spent the day in the home office, going through contracts. As a kid he’d hated working on projects for the family business, but while he was recovering, he’d appreciated having something to focus on and had grown to like it. The financial end came easily—he’d always had a head for numbers—but the design end came as a pleasant surprise.
The digital programs had taken some time to learn, but once he had, he found that he liked drawing up virtual plans for landscapes. He had a knack for listening to what people wanted and turning their ideas into designs that worked. And he certainly didn’t mind that every contract he’d signed lately was for over $30,000. One of the first orders of business when he started going into the office would be hiring another crew. With summer here, it was the only way to keep up with the demand.
You’d be happy, Dad. We’re going to have a great season. Honoring his dad’s memory was as important to Parker as proving to himself that he could be successful even without the bas
eball career he’d planned for his entire life. Wood Landscaping was now his future, and he planned to make the most of it. He was still at his desk when his phone buzzed. He found it buried under the plans for the renovations on the Davis Country Club’s outdoor sitting area. He’d been expecting a text from the stone company but when he clicked on his phone he saw Sophie’s name instead. His mood brightened.
In case your fridge is still empty I thought I’d let you know I made lasagna for dinner.
A smile spread across his face as he typed.
It’s kinda mean to brag about lasagna to a starving guy.
He imagined the flustered look on her face and chuckled, staring at his phone.
*sigh* I was offering for you to have some lasagna, but if you’re gonna be a wiseass about it, I don’t know…
The smile widened into a grin.
I’ll behave. I promise. Want me to bring some wine?
I’ve got plenty of wine, just come over whenever you’re ready.
I’m always ready for lasagna. Be right there.
Parker caught a whiff of tomato sauce the second he stepped onto her back porch. His stomach rumbled as he breathed in the rich, tempting aroma that wafted through the open windows. Then he saw her and forgot all about food.
Sophie stood at the kitchen counter, her back to the door, drizzling olive oil into a small bowl. Her hands danced across the spice rack as she plucked out several jars. Her amber hair cascaded over one shoulder, leaving the other side of her neck bare. She reached for a potholder and pulled open the oven door, bending over and giving Parker a heart-stopping view.
Her shorts curved enticingly around her full hips and revealed long, smooth legs. She set a bubbling pan of lasagna on top of the stove and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. Every move she made enthralled him. He wanted to come up behind her, nuzzle the curve of her neck, breathe in her sweet scent, press himself against the soft swell of her hips.
His thoughts were interrupted as she turned to face him. A smile spread across her face as she strode to the door.
“Perfect timing,” she said, holding the door open.
Sophie’s cheeks flushed and she couldn’t tell if it was from the heat in the kitchen or the look on Parker’s face. How long was he at the door? Was he watching me? The fluttery feeling returned.
“I can’t remember the last time I had lasagna. It smells amazing.”
Sophie went back to making the salad, feeling the need to keep her hands busy. “I’m guessing the food wasn’t great at the center?”
“That would be a serious understatement. It made memories of the college cafeteria seem gourmet in comparison.”
“I wish I’d have known that. I’d have brought you food.”
Parker’s grin lit up his whole face. “That would have been awesome.”
Sophie bit her lip, focusing on slicing a tomato. “I tried to visit you once, you know. Right after the accident. Your dad said you didn’t want to see anyone.”
“I don’t remember him telling me that you came by, but he might have. I was pretty heavily drugged at first but I do remember refusing to have visitors.”
Sophie’s gaze darted to Parker as she tried to gauge how comfortable he was with the topic. “Why?”
He shrugged, his fingers sweeping his hair off his face for a second before it fell back across his forehead. “I was a disaster. In every way imaginable. I didn’t even want to deal with myself let alone anyone else.” He paused and ran his hand along the edge of the counter. “I hated seeing that look in everyone’s eyes.”
Sophie’s chest clenched, trapping the air in her lungs. “What look?”
His eyes met hers, distractingly blue and intense. “Pity.”
She exhaled. “I know exactly what you mean. That’s the look I got from everyone when I got divorced.”
“Never thought about that.”
She tossed the tomatoes into the salad and started whisking the dressing. “Trust me. When everyone in town knows your husband’s cheating on you before you know, you get the pity face everywhere you go.”
“That’s why you got divorced?” The surprise on his face told her he hadn’t heard the rumors, and she regretted having blurted it out. Way to make yourself desirable. Shit.
“What a dick.”
Sophie laughed and handed him the salad. “No argument there.”
His strong fingers grasped the bowl. “Seriously, Soph. Any guy who cheats on his wife is an asshole. And any guy who’d cheat on you is a fucking idiot.”
His words sent a warm tremor straight through her. “Thanks.”
“Just being honest.”
Sophie carried the lasagna pan to the table. “Can you grab the bread?”
Parker picked up the cutting board and pulled a knife out of the butcher block.
Watching as he sliced the crusty Italian bread into thick, even slices, Sophie tried to imagine how hard it must have been for him not to be able to do anything for himself for so long. “I wouldn’t have pitied you.”
“What?” His eyes darted to hers again, dark brows furrowed.
“I wouldn’t have pitied you,” she repeated, to make sure he heard her. “I knew you’d be strong enough to recover. I just would have kept you company. And brought you real food.”
The shy smile spread across his face again, giving her another glimpse of the boy she’d fallen for so many years ago. “Then I guess I really am too stubborn for my own good. I’d probably have gotten better twice as fast with medicinal lasagna.”
“I’ll give you an extra-large serving to make up for lost time.”
Chapter Six
Sophie could barely concentrate at work the next day. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Parker. They’d had a perfect night together—talking until past midnight, eating and drinking wine. But when he’d gotten up to leave, things had turned awkward. He’d kept his hands shoved in his pockets, rocking on his heels as they said good night. She’d wanted a kiss so badly she thought she might pass out, but she had no idea what else to do to let him know. The last thing she wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable or, worse, have him reject her. That she couldn’t handle.
“What’s gotten into you today? That’s the third time you’ve asked me about the Carter wedding. The invoice went out last week.” Cindy, her business manager planted her hand on her hip and squinted as if she could read Sophie’s thoughts if she looked hard enough.
“Sorry. I’m just distracted.” Sophie slumped against her chair.
“It’s that guy, isn’t it?” Cindy’s always-round eyes widened more than seemed possible, and she planted herself on the edge of Sophie’s desk. “Talk to me.”
She thought about denying it, but there was no point. Cindy had known her for five years—first as college roommates then as business partners. There was no way she could successfully keep anything from her. “Yes.”
“I knew it.” Cindy wiggled her shoulders from side to side the way she always did when she was proud of herself. “So, what’s the deal? Has he asked you out yet?”
“No.” Sophie groaned and put her head down on the desk. “Actually, I think I asked him out.”
“You think?”
“He’s coming with me to the food show. I don’t know if it’s a date or not.”
“But you want it to be.”
Sophie gave Cindy her most condescending look, which she knew wasn’t particularly convincing.
Cindy laughed. “He said yes, right? He obviously wants to spend time with you. That’s got to be a good sign.”
“True. But it may just be friend time.”
“Even if it is now, that can change.”
Sophie burrowed her face into her arm and groaned. “I know.”
“Wow. You really like this guy.”
“Since we were kids.”
“Well, I hope he’s worth the wait. You deserve a good guy for a change. In the meantime, you need to perk up. The Hendersons
will be here in fifteen minutes, and you need to dazzle them with your presentation.”
“Shit. You’re right.” Focus. What’s wrong with you?
“I’m always right.” Cindy hopped off the desk and darted away before Sophie could smack her. “And if this Parker dude has any sense, he’ll make a move on you this weekend. Mark my words.”
Sophie rolled her eyes but couldn’t help hoping that Cindy was right.
Chapter Seven
The intricate displays at the food show contained the most elaborate culinary concoctions Parker had ever seen. Towering pyramids of cream puffs housed in structures sculpted out of chocolate. Fruits and vegetables carved into flowers or turned into edible cups containing anything from savory soups to the lightest mousses he’d ever tasted. Bite-sized samples of everything from cheese to candied nuts to grilled meats. Each table more impressive than the last.
As much as he enjoyed the food, all of it paled in comparison to how happy it made him to spend the day with Sophie. She’d been a whirlwind since they’d first entered the expo. It seemed as though she knew at least half of the vendors, most of whom had come out from behind their displays to greet her with a hug or a kiss before pulling her to the side to give her special samples they’d held aside for VIPs. Impressive and more than a little bit of a turn on. Parker knew Sophie as the smart, capable, sweet girl she’d been when they were younger, but he’d never seen her in work mode. Her charm and grace were irresistible. And clearly not just to him.
“You’re certainly popular with this crowd,” he said, taking the umpteenth box of chocolates out of her hand so she could finish eating the miniature key lime mousse cup she’d just plucked off a silver tray.
Her auburn brows pinched together. “What do you mean?”
Watching her pop the last of the mousse cup into her mouth and lick a stray crumb from the corner of her lips made Parker’s abdominal muscles tense. He held up the three large totes full of samples they’d accumulated. “Do you not realize how many freebies we’ve got here?”